
Paul Johnson


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3 thoughts on “About

  1. Paul, I just have to say i love the title – ‘Antigynocentrism’ – wish i had thought of it.
    It’s the most comprehensive term we can use – better than antifeminism or counterfeminism which applies only to the recent wave of gynocentrists but ignored traditionalist gynocentrism.

    I think it will catch on (and I recommend you snap up the domain for Antigynocentrism if you haven’t already).

    • I do have it! In fact, it’s how I discovered your site. When I was setting up the redirect to this wordpress blog, I accidentally set it to redirect to your site, and when I checked to see if it was working I found your site 🙂

      I was also humbled by the depth of the historical research you have done, and was quite intimidated, feeling the bar set high, until I concluded that our emphases are different enough that our material need not overlap. I applaud the extent of your historical research, and it will doubtlessly be a resource for my own blog.

      I was contemplating changing the domain to something else — something about opposing gender centrism or something of that nature. But upon your recommendation, I think I will keep it (or if I get rid of it, I will probably either hand it off to you or some more active MGTOW or MRA).

      Well I am glad to hear from you and I hope you stay active in your writing.

      • Ah, this is the thread. Are you still willing to pass on that domain? I think I have a use for it – to try and get it more popular as a replacement for the antifeminism concept. A long term project but worth a shot.

        Peter peterwright.mmhn[at]yahoo.com

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