Equality Feminists, Also the Problem

A conversation with an “equality feminist” on twitter reveals they are just as much the problem.

Paul Johnson:
Anyone who subscribes to and perpetuates the myth of evil patriarchy is “the problem.”

Kain Yusanagi:
Which equality feminists don’t follow, for the most part?

Kain Yusanagi:
At least, not that I’ve seen.

Paul Johnson:
Uh, yes, the hell, they do. It’s the single defining characteristic of feminism.

Kain Yusanagi:
No, it’s not. That you think that is worrying. Generalization much? Same issues w/ #GamerGate.

Paul Johnson:
I defy you to find me a single feminist who doesn’t think men have always oppressed women.

Kain Yusanagi:

Paul Johnson:
Then you got some ‘splainin’ to do.

Kain Yusanagi:
What do you want explained? Btw I’d have recommended you to my mum, who taught me, but dead now

Paul Johnson:
Why do women earn less than men?

Kain Yusanagi:
Because they choose different jobs and/or more flexible hours for other commitments like family

Paul Johnson:
Why was there a period in which all men in the U.S. had suffrage, but not all women?

Kain Yusanagi:
I’m not a US citizen (Canadian), so I can’t really comment there.

Kain Yusanagi:
I’d guess that you are referring to the period where suffragettes got right to vote w/o service

Kain Yusanagi:
though? If so, I would argue that having no way to gain right to vote was worse. Unbalanced.

Kain Yusanagi:
Was the way they did it fair? No. But that’s also applying modern morals to history. No TY.

Paul Johnson:
Right now women have the right to vote w/o service or S.S.S. registry. Men do not.

Paul Johnson:
Why are there so many more men in offices power than women?

Kain Yusanagi:
That needs to be rectified, then. That is not equality.

Paul Johnson:
I dare you to bring that up at your next feminist meet-up. Make sure your phone is charged.

Kain Yusanagi:
I’d state that men biologically are more tuned towards being competitive and thrive in such.

Kain Yusanagi:
As such, fewer women are interested in such roles. Much like early hunter/gatherer culture.

Paul Johnson:
You seem to have some good answers to these key questions. But that leads to a different set.

Kain Yusanagi:
1) I don’t have a “feminist meeting”. 2) Don’t have a cell either. Landline for me. 🙂

Kain Yusanagi:
3) Most equality feminists I know agree with me on these points.

Kain Yusanagi:
Life without questions would be boring. I enjoy questions leading to more questions. 🙂

Paul Johnson:
Why are the most vocal and powerful feminists so opposed to equality and dissent?

Paul Johnson:
Why do feminists such as yourself allow the corruption of the brand without internal policing?

Kain Yusanagi:
Because radicalism is easy to force into a group. It reinforces us vs them mentalities.

Paul Johnson:
Why do you defend the brand from outside criticism, yet internal criticism is nary to be found

Kain Yusanagi:
Because they saw power that they could take as their own and created an industry of outrage.

Paul Johnson:
Where is all the internal criticism of radical feminists?

Kain Yusanagi:
Because, as with #GamerGate, while I can denounce such bullshit, I can’t force them to stop >>

Kain Yusanagi:
using the label for their own ends. That is the unfortunate thing about freedom of speech.

Kain Yusanagi:
There’s a lot of us in #GamerGate & elsewhere who are very outspoken about it, actually.

Paul Johnson:
If speech is so damn free, why is there no internal criticism of the radicals? Or where is it?

Kain Yusanagi:
But the media focusses where it can get the views for clickbait, not on real facts.

Paul Johnson:

Kain Yusanagi:
It’s everywhere! It just doesn’t get publicized because it weakens their ability to profit.

“It’s everywhere!” Make a note of this.

Kain Yusanagi:
It’s why we nerds/gamers have been taking shit for decades, disagreeing, and only now risen up.

Paul Johnson:
Then why can’t I find any!? Where are the forums discussing it?

Paul Johnson:
No. That’s one person. Where are the masses? You are the MAJORITY right?

Kain Yusanagi:
Places that get attacked &/or subverted into radfem places, you mean?

Paul Johnson:
No, policing is NOT impossible. AVfM polices heavily.

Kain Yusanagi:
It’s like Atheism+ all over again. Hays Code, Comic Code. Look up Entryism.

Paul Johnson:
No! Where are the forums where “nominal” feminists criticize the “radical” ones?

Kain Yusanagi:
What I stated above happens. Either they get harassed to closure or invaded & ousted.

Paul Johnson:
RoK gets called out. That’s policing. Board moderation is policing.

Paul Johnson:
But WHERE? Why can’t you come up with a single example?

Kain Yusanagi:
Further, you may police in AVfM. What about policing ALL MRAs? Impossible.

Kain Yusanagi:
And that’s what you’re asking for. No more possible than radfems policed out.

Paul Johnson:
But MRAs don’t have a corruption problem. RoK is not an MRA site.

Kain Yusanagi:
Because I stopped going to fem-related boards almost half a decade ago?

Kain Yusanagi:
Because they kept getting overrun or shut down?

Paul Johnson:
How are they getting over-run? Why isn’t AVfM getting over-run?

Kain Yusanagi:
Since every group has some bad eggs. Know of quite a few white supremacists >>

Kain Yusanagi:
who self-identify as MRAs. It’s same deal with feminism.

Paul Johnson:
Where is the community of feminists critical of radicals?

Kain Yusanagi:
Heavily aggressive DDOS, pressured false appeals to server owners, hacking, etc. Blackhatting.

Paul Johnson:
So all these nice feminists don’t have a home now and gave up on trying?

Kain Yusanagi:
Or infiltration under guise of equality fem to get community mod position, then takeover.

Paul Johnson:
Where are they protesting radical feminism in real life? Where’s the boots on the ground?

Kain Yusanagi:
Terribly unfair, IMO.

Paul Johnson:
Surely there must be ONE site that has an _adminstrator_ that is an equity feminist. Right?

Kain Yusanagi:
A lot of them are also keeping their head down and just living, because of radfem-dom climate.

Kain Yusanagi:
Selfish, yes, but no one wants their life ruined. I’m sure you can understand that?

Paul Johnson:
Why can’t feminists infiltrate and subvert AVfM?

Kain Yusanagi:
Possibly? I’m only speaking from my own experience. I can’t claim anyone else’s.

Paul Johnson:
Then we agree that equity feminism does nothing more than lend legitimacy to the radicals.

Kain Yusanagi:
Probably because it makes it easier to have you as a visible target?

Paul Johnson:
Equity feminists can’t engage real activism, and can’t even gather on the internet.

Kain Yusanagi:
They can’t manufacture outrage without a target to blame, after all.

Paul Johnson:
What good does equity feminism do?

Kain Yusanagi:
Note how organization makes it easier, vs. #GamerGate’s guerilla tactics.

Paul Johnson:
And why do you identify with a movement where you’re relegated to impotence?

Kain Yusanagi:
Because I agree with equity feminism’s tenets, as taught to me by my mother.

Kain Yusanagi:
Whether some assholes commit some bullshit doesn’t affect my beliefs.

Kain Yusanagi:
At this point? Try to get equality for men wronged by radfem legislation.

Paul Johnson:
How? By what modus operandus?

Kain Yusanagi:
We aren’t well organized. 😛 So individual methods that vary.

Paul Johnson:
How? What are equity feminists doing?

Paul Johnson:
What are some?

Paul Johnson:
You aren’t “not well-organized,” you’re in complete isolation, and silent!

Kain Yusanagi:
Because whenever we have tried, we get torn apart? Sorta makes it hard.

Kain Yusanagi:
No, you’re not the only one to notice that amusing similarity.

Paul Johnson:
Can you just answer the fucking question and quit deflecting?

Paul Johnson:
What were some of the sites where you tried before they got overrun?

Kain Yusanagi:
Several fora that don’t exist anymore because owners stopped paying for them?

But the feminist criticism of radical feminism is everywhere somehow.

Kain Yusanagi:
If you want names, sorry, but never been good at remembering those.

Paul Johnson:
Such as?

Paul Johnson:
Can you name some people, then? Surely you have some friends with better mems.

Paul Johnson:
I’m sorry, I can’t believe that there were “several fora” and you can’t name 1

Paul Johnson:
Did you ever visit any of these places yourself?

Paul Johnson:
Can you offer ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE that “equity feminists” aren’t complicit?

Kain Yusanagi:
Look, I’ve been patient with your very rude manner, but enough’s enough.

Here we go. Back’s to the wall, true nature revealed.

Kain Yusanagi:
Yes, I have, no, I don’t remember them because I have memory issues.

He has bullshit issues.

Kain Yusanagi:
Now take your attitude and go away, before I block you.

Feigned indignation.

Paul Johnson:
Equity feminism is a myth, and you’ve done nothing but weasel.

Paul Johnson:
And don’t threaten to block me. Just do it.

I’d had enough.

Kain Yusanagi:
Sorry for preferring to give ppl the chance to realize they’re being assholish.

Kain Yusanagi:
Don’t worry though. It’s already done.

Paul Johnson:
I’m really not. I’m just grilling you for a concrete answer.

Paul Johnson:
Surely you can understand my frustration as a non-feminist.

So he starts defending all of feminism because it has good objectives, but admits that it’s completely corrupted in all public media; that he doesn’t know any other equity feminists even online, and doesn’t meet with feminists in person; and that radical feminists have such a grip on cyberspace that there can’t be a forum or chat room anywhere without being coopted or DDoSed. But the main problem is I’m an asshole. #BLOCKED

This is why I can’t stand phony-assed “equity feminists.”

Are you an equity feminist who has answers to me questions? Leave a comment.

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